Monday, June 7, 2010

My really talented sister-in-law is having a sew along as it says above and it's so cool. Go check it out and if you make it you can give it to me. She has a lot of great posts and cool ideas. Hope you like it as much as I do.


Sunday, April 11, 2010


My husband and I went to Brisbane yesterday to attend a Supanova convention. I had no idea what it was but B is into comics and games so i agreed. He organized for the kids to be taken care of so we could enjoy the day by ourselves. I was in for this no matter what we did.

We did a drive by the entrance to the convention to find a park and the line of people waiting to get in was so long it spanned blocks. But this got me excited to be there because of all the fans dressed up like their favourite characters. I had my camera on hand and here a few of the ones we saw inside when we finally got in.

Skiffy from Blade Kitten
Computer game

Daggy me and Sophitia Alexandra
from Soul Calibur 4 (computer game)

Batman and Catwoman

What I loved the most was getting to sit and listen to a few movie characters that were there signing autographs. Mary McDonnell from the Battelstar Galactica remake and Carl Urban from the new Star Trek movie. I'm not a trekkie fan but I do like both of these and because I've seen them recently, it made the experience really worthwhile. They were so down to earth, had great sense of humor and were really interesting.

We also caught a glimpse of James Marsters who is Spike from Buffy fame. He is in a new T.V. show out in the US called Caprica. Spin off from Battlestar Galactica. We were standing around trying to see the celebrities and an Asian girl in front of me turned around and showed me the signed photo she just got from James. As she smiled ear to ear she said " I used to watch him in Buffy when I was a teenager and I had a huge crush on him. I don't even know you but I'm so excited that I have to hug you." And she did. We had to laugh with her, she was so cute.

Me and B. after the long day


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Healthy Eating

My husband and I decided to finally, after years of him having type 2 diabetes, choose a better way of eating. I think one of the factors to taking us so long was not knowing where to start. I think most people know that if you choose to eat salad instead of take-away you will lose weight or at least not put more on. To add to ignorance even after asking around a few friends who knew something about it I lacked the motivation.
The other thing was I was waiting for B to want to help me plan what the meals were so he was involved in the process. I guess I am hoping that this will make the whole thing stick.

We have a family night once a week on a Monday and we decided that we could all benefit from a diet change. Plus I wasn't about to make 2 separate meal plans each night. So 2 weeks ago we sat down with the kids and talked about why we need to take care of our bodies. They mostly understood the idea and agreed not to moan about what they were served. We then pulled out some Diabetic Living magazines I'd forgotten about until that day and looked through searching for hope. I realized some of them have a weekly meal plan which was invaluable. Brett read out all the ingredients I would need to buy the next day and we were on our way.

Shopping took ages looking at fat contents etc and with the two littlest ones in tow it turned into an endurance effort. Arwen nearly fell asleep in the trolley. I've had the magazines on my kitchen bench the whole time, referring to them every day. I don't really like cooking and not knowing the recipes made the process long for me. Needless to say the food was good and most of the kids liked them too. We've been trying to make the kids lunch boxes healthier as well.

It's proved to be painful on the budget in that I had to buy ingredients like natural yoghurt that I only used a little of. I will be using such ingredients next fortnight too so we'll see if this coming fortnight works out to be a little easier on the hip pocket.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Loving swirls

Swirls make me feel happy and so I thought I'd share some with you. Click on the picture and you'll go straight to etsy where I found them.

Swirls and red just my thing.

Wouldn't you love to sleep below these happy birds?

What cool funky soap. Love the colour.

After being sick for most of the week I am glad to have happy swirls to cheer me up. Also had girlfriend company today to top it off. Laughing is good for the soul.



Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm a bit nervous about my first post on my new blog... thinking that maybe I should say something profound. I'm just going to jump right into it so here goes.....

I'm sitting here with my family as they play on the Wii we got for Christmas. It's just good wholesome family fun. My husband kept trying to convince me that we should get one for a couple of years now and I didn't like the idea righting it off as another computer in the house. But seeing how much we all enjoy it I have changed my mind. Each one of us, even our 4 yr. old can play it and have fun. It brings us together and makes me happy to see my family enjoying each others company.
Most of my family went back to school today. My three older kids and my husband who is a teacher. Unlike previous years I really enjoyed the school holidays. It went way too fast and I wish that there was another week or so that we had some time to relax. It has ended though and I took each of the children to their classes. It was nice to see their classes and meet new teachers. I think I'll miss them and the relaxed routine we had going. I hate the bed time restrictions and only having the afternoon with them. That's strange because usually i'm very selfish with my time.
Next week I will start up with my quilting group again after our holiday hiatus. I am looking forward to starting some new projects and finishing a few that I didn't get to before the end of next year. I know it sounds strange but I am going to get to all the Christmas projects I wish I'd had up in the house this last year. I'll post some of my progress as I go on in the year.


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